Slurm: Main Commands
Slurm offers many utility commands to work with, some of the most popularly used commands are:
Command | Description |
srun | Run parallel jobs |
sbatch | Submit a batch script to Slurm |
salloc | Obtain a Slurm job allocation ( for interactive workflows ) |
sinfo | View information about Slurm nodes and partitions |
squeue | View information about the jobs located in the slurm scheduling queue |
sacct | Displays accounting data for all jobs in and job steps in the slurm job accounting log or slurm database |
scancel | Used to signal jobs or job steps that are under the control of slurm |
Run a parallel job on cluster managed by Slurm, can be used:
- Individual job submission where resources are allocated.
- In
batch scripts asjob steps
making use of the allocated resource pool. - within
instance making use of the resource pool.
man srun # for more information
Option | Description |
--help | Display help information and exit |
--account | Charge resource used by this job to a specified account |
--ntasks or --nodes | Request the number of tasks for the job Or Request the number of nodes to be allocated for this job |
--ntasks-per-node | Request that ntasks be invoked on each node. Meant to be used with --nodes |
--cpus-per-task | Request that ncpus be allocated per process. This may be useful if the job is multithreaded and requires more than one CPU per task for optimal performance. |
--mem or --mem-per-cpu | Specify the real memory required per node. Default units are megabytes. Different units can be specified using the suffix [ K | M | G | T ] Or Minimum memory required per allocated CPU |
--output | Redirect stdout to a file |
--error | Redirect stderr to a file |
--label | Prepend task numbers to lines of stdout/err |
--partition | Request a specific partition for the resource allocation. If not specified, the default behavior is to allow the slurm controller to select the default partition as designated by the system administrator. |
--pty | Execute task zero with pseudo terminal mode or using pseudo terminal specified by <File Descriptor> . |
--gres | Specifies a comma-delimited list of generic consumable resources, examples: --gres=gpu:1 , --gres=gpu:v100:2 , --gres=help or --gres=none |
--chdir | Set the working directory of srun before it is executed |
man sbatch # for more information
Some of the popularly used directives are:
Option | Description |
#SBATCH --account | Charge resource used by this jab to a specified account |
#SBATCH --nodes or #SBATCH --ntasks | Request allocation of minimum or maximum nodes for this job |
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node | Request that ntasks be invoked on each node, used with --nodes |
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task | Advise the Slurm controller that ensuing job steps will require ncpus number of processors per task. Without this option, the controller will just try to allocate one processor per task |
#SBATCH --mem | Specify the real memory required per node. Default units are megabytes. Different units can be specified using the suffix [ K | M | G | T ] |
#SBATCH --gres | Specifies a comma-delimited list of generic consumable resources. |
#SBATCH --output | Instruct Slurm to connect the batch script's standard output directly to a specified filename |
#SBATCH --error | Instruct Slurm to connect the batch script's standard error directly to a specified filename |
#SBATCH --mail-user | User to receive email notifications of state changes as defined by --mail-type |
#SBATCH --mail-type | Notify user by email when certain event types occur. Valid type values are NONE , BEGIN , END , FAIL , REQUEUE , ALL etc. Multiple type values may be specified in a comma separated list. The user to be notified is indicated with --mail-user. |
#SBATCH --job-name | Specify a name for the job allocation, the default is the name of the batch script or just sbatch |
#SBATCH --constraint | Enable constraints such as --constraint="nvidia" to select any kind of nvidia GPUs or --constraint="amd" to select any kind of amd GPUs or --constraint="a100|h100" to select either any one of two GPUs |
#SBATCH --chdir | Set the working directory of sbatch script before it is executed |
The options for salloc
are similar to the ones used by srun
or sbatch
, consult the salloc manual pages for more information on additional options and their environment variables:
man salloc # for detailed information
View information about slurm nodes and partitions.
man sinfo # for more information
sinfo --Format=Partition,GRES,CPUs,Features:26,NodeList
Format | Description |
Available | State/availability of a partition |
CPUs | Number of CPUs per node |
CPUsState | Number of CPUs by state in the format "allocated/idle/other/total" |
Features :26 | Features available on the node, use : followed by a number which specifies the max number of characters printed for this column. sinfo prints max 20 characters by default per column |
Gres | Generic resource associated with the nodes |
GresUsed | Generic resource currently in use on the nodes |
MaxCPUsPerNode | The Max number of CPUs per node available to jobs in this partition |
Memory | Size of memory per node in Megabytes |
NodeAI | Number of nodes by state in the format "allocated/idle" |
Nodes | Number of nodes |
NodeList | List of node names |
Partition or PartitionName | Partition name |
View information about jobs located on slurm scheduling queue.
man squeue # for more information
Options | Description |
--me | Prints queued jobs for the current user |
--user | Prints queued jobs under a specific user, or a comma list of users |
--job | Specify a comma seperated list of job IDs to display |
--help | Print a help message describing all options squeue |
Displays accounting data for all jobs and job steps in the Slurm job accounting log or Slurm database.
man sacct # for more information
Most popularly used format options are:
Options | Description |
--format | Comma separated list of fields. (use "--helpformat" for a list of available fields). NOTE: When using the format option for listing various fields you can put a %NUMBER afterwards to specify how many characters should be printed. e.g. format=name%30 will print 30 characters of field name right justified. A %-30 will print 30 characters left justified. |
--helpformat | Print a list of fields that can be specified with --format option |
Some popular options for --format
Format | Description |
JobID | The identification number of the job or job step |
JobName | The name of the job or job step |
State | Displays the job status or state, such as COMPLETED , TIMEOUT , FAILED etc |
AllocCPUS | Number of CPUs allocated to the job |
Elapsed | Elapsed time for the job |
Start | Initiation time for the job |
End | Termination time for the job |
Used to signal jobs or job steps that are under the control of slurm. A signal in the sense, send a termination signal to cancel a job.
Options | Description |
--interactive | Interactive mode. Confirm each job_id.step_id before performing the cancel operation |
--jobname | Restrict the scancel operations to a provided job name |
--me | Cancel all your jobs |
scancel <a_job_id> | Cancel a job and all it's steps |
scancel <a_job_id>.<step_id_a> <a_job_id>.<step_id_b> | Only cancel steps a and b for a given job, but not the rest of the steps |
scancel <JobID_ArrayID> | Only cancel a array id of an job array |