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HPC Foundations

The goal of this exercise is to help you understand the fundamentals of effecively navigating the cluster for your research or academic projects. Before we begin this exercise please make sure you have access to the NYU HPC cluster, if not please review the section on connecting to the HPC cluster.

Login to the Greene cluster as described in the section on connecting to the HPC cluster. Once logged in, you should notice the node which you are currently on from the bash prompt as shown below :

[pp2959@log-3 ~]$

Prompts follow the format [<user_netid>@<node_name> ~]. As you can see the node name is log-3 (i.e. login 3) which is a login node. You may have logged in to a different node, NYU HPC maintains over 4 login nodes for load balancing, users may end up on any login node each time, when they ssh to the cluster based on traffic.

Run the command pwd or also known as print working directory to print your current directory:


The output will look like /home/Net_ID as shown below:

[pp2959@log-3 ~]$ pwd
[pp2959@log-3 ~]$

This is your linux home directory and the Net_ID is your linux user account name on the cluster.

The ' /home/Net_ID/ ' is your workspace where you write and maintain your code base. This is a limited space intended for maintaining projects or code bases only, not for storing large datasets OR installation of software, you will use a different space designed specifically for this.

If you list the /home directory with the ls command as:

ls /home

Then you will list all users of this cluster. These are the Net_IDs Or the linux user accounts of all users on the cluster.

The /home directory in this case is a shared filesystem mounted across all 4 login nodes on which the user(s) home directories ( like /home/User_Net_ID/ ) are located.

For instance, create a new empty file with touch command on whichever login node you are currently at:

touch new_file.txt

And include some text to the file with the echo command as:

echo "some text here and there" > new_file.txt

Now, jump to a different login node choosing from 1 to 4 except the one you are currently at, for example jumping to log-1 with ssh as:

[pp2959@log-3 ~]$ ssh log-1
Last login: Sat Jan 4 17:01:08 2025 from
[pp2959@log-1 ~]$

Notice the output, it shows your last login date and time to this particular login node

Then list the contents of the file that you just created with the cat command:

[pp2959@log-1 ~]$ ls
[pp2959@log-1 ~]$ cat new_file.txt
some text here and there

As you can see, it is the same file, same directory, the same filesystem for all users.

Regardless of whichever login node you may end up on, all users have access to a common filesystem that is /home. It is important to understand that users read and write files to the same filesystem while logged in from any of the 4 login nodes.

  • /home is your personal workspace having a limited space
  • It is intended as a space for maintaining code bases only

Now, exit from your current shell instance by running the command exit:

[pp2959@log-1 ~]$ exit
Connection to log-1 closed.
[pp2959@log-3 ~]$
  1. The first line tells you that you have logged out of your current bash shell
  2. The second line tells you that the ssh connection to log-1 has been closed
  3. Now you are back to your previous login node, in this example log-3, that is your previous bash shell
Why is this imporatant to understand?

Because this will build your foundations in understanding the different kinds of nodes that exists and how you should use them for your projects

Other File Systems

Similar to /home, users have access to multiple filesystems that are :

FilesystemUser(s) spacePurposeEnv Variable
/scratch/scratch/Net_ID/General Storage$SCRATCH
/archive/archive/Net_ID/Cold Storage$ARCHIVE

You will find more details about these filesystems at Greene Storage Types page.

You can jump to your /scratch directory at /scratch/Net_ID/ with the cd command as cd /scratch/Net_ID, Or you could simple use the $SCRATCH environment variable as:

[pp2959@log-1 ~]$ pwd
[pp2959@log-1 ~]$ cd $SCRATCH
[pp2959@log-1 ~]$ pwd
[pp2959@log-1 ~]$

Also you can view other user(s) /scratch space on the cluster with ls /scratch.

ls /scratch

The /scratch Space:

  • This is a special type of filesystem called General Parallel File System (GPFS) designed for large storage and high IO (Input/Output) throughput, supporting parallel reads and writes for the best performance !

  • An appropriate data space where parallel compute resources ingest their datasets (and even write back to it) during very large workloads, such as distributed Deep Learning at scale

  • All nodes in the cluster, that includes login, compute, and data transfer nodes share this filesystem

  • This is a temporary space for loading and unloading large datasets, that is files are purged with a prior notice, to maintain performance, hence the name Scratch

The /archive Space:

  • An archival space for your projects, a cold storage option where you stash your work long term

  • Cannot be accessed by compute resources

  • Never purged

Running programs on a login node

Login nodes. As the name implies are used for interacting with the cluster only. They are not equiped with compute heavy hardware or much memory, and hence you may run simple programs ( that can lag a bit ) but not compute heavy workloads.

Let us take a look at an example of running a simple lua script on this type of node, create a lua script file named hello.lua using vim, a powerful terminal based text editor:

[pp2959@log-3 ~]$ vim hello.lua

Running the vim command followed by a file_name as an argument creates a new text file and opens the editor within the terminal

  • Press i once open, this will switch the editor to insert mode.
  • In insert mode you can start typing to file (it's a temporary buffer) like anyother text editor

Copy the below lua code and paste it in the editor with Ctrl-v ( on windows ) or Cmd-v on ( MacOS ):

print("hello, world")
  • Now, Press Esc key to escape from insert mode

Notice how you cannot type anything else after escaping from insert mode, however you can go back to insert mode by clicking on i ( short for insert mode )

  • Then, Press colon : (don't press anything else after), you should notice the : appear near bottom left corner of the editor
  • This is where you type your editor commands like save file, discard changes, open a new file, etc
  • Continue typing wq, as in the editor command should look like :wq
  • Press Enter key to execute this command
  • This saves the file to your current directory and exits the editor, you should be back on your console now

Again the : here is to start typing an editor command, followed by the command(s) themselves. Like w is to write changes to the file hello.lua followed by q to quite from the editor.

In case if you would like to force quite and start again, then press Esc first to exit from insert mode, or anyother mode you may have accidentally enabled. This ensures you are completely exited from any modes, then execute the editor commands - :q! to force quite discrading changes, here q for quite and ! for force

Once done, check the contents of your file with the cat command:

[pp2959@log-3 ~]$ ls
new_file.txt hello.lua
[pp2959@log-3 ~]$ cat hello.lua
print("hello, world")
[pp2959@log-3 ~]$

Here os.execute() executes a shell command, in this example the command hostname to print the name of the host on which the script is being executed. Followed by printing the message hello, world

Now if you try to run the script as lua hello.lua, you may get an error like:

[pp2959@log-3 ~]$ lua hello.lua
-bash: lua: command not found
[pp2959@log-3 ~]$

By default software packages are not installed in our working environment.

Now, how do we run this lua script ? Since we would require a lua installation to do so

So let us try and install lua with linux's apt-get package manager:

apt-get install lua

As you can see, we encounter an error like the one below:

[pp2959@log-3 ~]$ apt-get install lua
-bash: apt-get: command not found
[pp2959@log-3 ~]$

apt-get is not available to users as it requires root priviliges which the users do not get.You will need to load pre-installed software pacakges with a command called module.

First, let's search for any versions of lua available by running the command module spider <Software_Package>:

module spider lua 

This will list all lua packages Or modules available for use, as shown below:

[pp2959@log-3 ~]$ module spider lua

lua: lua/5.3.6

This module can be loaded directly: module load lua/5.3.6

[pp2959@log-3 ~]$

Read the output carefully, we can see a lua package is available that is lua/5.3.6 in this example.

If the system administrators add new lua packages sometime in the future then, they appear in the above list, from which you could choose any one of them.

Pick a version from this list, in this example we select the version lua/5.3.6.

You can also check what modules are loaded in your current shell session with the command module list:

module list
[pp2959@log-3 ~]$ module list
No modules loaded
[pp2959@log-3 ~]$

To load the lua module, we use the module load command as module load <Software_Package>:

module load lua/5.3.6

Now, check and verify that the module has been loaded to your current shell environment with:

module list

Read the output carefully, you may notice that sometimes dependencies are also loaded along with a module.

Verify that we can invoke lua by running lua -v, the option -v is to print version details:

lua -v

Now, run the lua script hello.lua.

lua hello.lua
[pp2959@log-3 ~]$ lua hello.lua
hello, world
[pp2959@log-3 ~]$

NOTICE: First line of this output is the name of the host where the script ran, followed by the message hello, world

This way we can search for available modules with the command module spider <Software_Package> using keywords.

To list ALL modules try module spider without providing any keywords:

module spider

This will open up an interactive list of all modules, in linux this is called paging.

To navigate this list (paging) try the following steps carefully:

  • Press and hold j key to go down
  • Press and hold k key to go up
  • Just Click / once (don't click anything else after):
    • You will notice the / character at the bottom left corner just like in vim
    • Continue typing the keywords for your module name, for example just type pytho
    • Press Enter
    • This will bring up matching module names based on those keywords
    • Click n, to jump to a next match
    • Similarly, Click N to jump to a previous match
  • And finally, to exit from the list just like in vim, use the quit command :q
  • Retry, practise.

To unload a module try module unload <Module_Name>:

module unload lua/5.3.6
[pp2959@log-3 ~]$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
1) lua/5.3.6

[pp2959@log-3 ~]$ module unload lua/5.3.6
[pp2959@log-3 ~]$ module list
No modules loaded
[pp2959@log-3 ~]$

To get rid of all module and start a new, try:

module purge

And for more options, try:

module --help


  • login nodes are ...
  • /home filesystem and it's purpose
  • Load necessary modules to run our programs

Running Programs on a compute node

The Greene cluster has over 100s of compute nodes equiped with all kinds of High Performance hardware such as x86 Intel, AMD server CPUs, and Nvidia, AMD server GPUs ( such as the H100s ).

Some of these nodes are categorized as shown below with examples:

Node CategoryDescription
CPU NodesCPU only nodes with sufficient memory. For example 48 core Intel Cascade lake CPU with 384 GB memory, per node
Nvidia GPU NodesNodes that are equiped with Nvidia GPUs. For example 48 Core Intel server CPU with 384 GB and 4 H100s, per node
AMD GPU NodesEquiped with AMD GPUs. For example 128 core CPU with 512 GB ram and 8 MI250s, per node

And these nodes are interconnected with low latency, high throughput interconnects that follow a specific network topology, for example infiniband or ethernet cables. And hence it is called as a Cluster.

Communication between these nodes takes place with the help of message passing protocols implemented as a software library. For example Open Source MPI - Message Passing Interface library for inter node communications, or Proprietary NCCL library for communication between Nvidia GPUs across nodes.

Usually these nodes are busy running programs at high workloads, in order to run your hello.lua script on one of these (or across many) nodes, you will have to submit a job request which gets queued and scheduled on the compute node(s) based on priority and availability of resources.

To do so, we use a Job Scheduler, Or also called a workload manager, that manages submitted jobs by user(s).

Greene makes use of an Open Source workload manager called SLURM which stands for "Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management".

Make sure that you have loaded the lua module before proceeding:

module load lua/5.3.6

To run your hello.lua on a compute node we use the srun command as shown below:

srun lua hello.lua
[pp2959@log-2 ~]$ srun lua hello.lua
srun: job 55744835 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 55744835 has been allocated resources
hello, world
[pp2959@log-2 ~]$

Read the Output carefully

  • This job is given an id that is 55744835, this is called a job id.
  • The job job 55744835 is queued and waiting to be scheduled on a compute node, since these nodes are expected to be busy based on demand, it may take some time for your job to be scheduled
  • Once the job gets scheduled, your program lua hello.lua gets run on a chosen compute node(s) and the program's output is printed back to your console
  • Based on your output, you may notice the name of the compute node that this program runs on, the node cm001.hpc.nyu.ed in this example is a CPU only node, you may notice a different node. You can find more details about the [specific nodes here].

Now how do we determine Or specify the amount of resources needed to run our hello.lua script ?

By defualt slurm schedules just 1 CPU and 1 GB memory to run your programs.

In order to get sufficient resources, you will need to request them to SLURM by passing the appropriate options with srun command as shown below:

srun --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=8GB lua hello.lua
[pp2959@log-2 ~]$ srun --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=8GB lua hello.lua
srun: job 55744916 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 55744916 has been allocated resources
hello, world
[pp2959@log-2 ~]$
  • This will send in a job request for 4 cores and 8 GB memory to SLURM
  • Slurm will queue this job request along with many other job requests submitted by users across the cluster
  • Then it will lookup for a compute node that has sufficient resources pertaining to your job
  • Once found, it reserves the resources and schedules your job on this particular compute node
  • Your job, in this case the command lua hello.lua runs independently on the compute node, unless either explicitly canceled by invoking scancel command (which you will learn next) OR your program errors out

We can check the status of our submitted jobs by using the squeue command.

To do so open a new second terminal and ssh to

In the first terminal Submit a job that executes linux sleep command as shown below, ( make sure you have logged in to at your second terminal before running the below command ):

srun --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=8GB /bin/bash -c "echo 'sleep 120s' ; sleep 120"

In this Script: We are executing a bash script echo 'sleep 120s' ; sleep 120 where echo prints the strings sleep 120s followed by ;, indicating a next command, a second command : sleep 120 to sleep for 120 seconds. All executed within a bash shell

Then in the second terminal, execute squeue command as:

squeue --me

You should see an output like the one below:

[pp2959@log-2 ~]$ squeue --me
55747638 short bash pp2959 R 0:02 1 cm002
[pp2959@log-2 ~]$
  • Running squeue will print the statuses of all jobs submitted by all users on the cluster
  • Running squeue --me will print only the jobs submitted by you
  • Running squeue -u <Net_ID> will print out the jobs submitted by a particular user
  • And running squeue --job <Job_ID> will print the status of a particular job given it's job id
  • Try squeue --help for more options

Again, submit a new job this time to execute the sleep for 5 mins or 300 seconds:

srun --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=8GB /bin/bash -c "echo sleep 300s; sleep 300"

Copy the job id that you get. And check it's status with squeue as:

squeue --job <Job_ID>

Then in the second terminal execute scancel with your job id as:

scancel <Job_ID>

Replacing <Job_ID> above with the actual job id

This cancels your job either queued or already scheduled on a compute node.

  • scancel <Job_ID> cancels a particular job based on the job id
  • scancel --me cancels all of your jobs

To run jobs with a gpu use the gres option:

srun --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=8GB --gres=gpu:1 lua hello.lua
  • --gres=gpu:1 to request one gpu of any type
  • --gres=gpu:v100:1 to request one v100 gpu specifically

Now note the following carefully:

Most of the time your jobs are queued and may never be scheduled because of demand and competition for resources. Therefore, it is crucial in understanding how SLURM schedules jobs so that you may properly craft job requests that get scheduled faster, for this you will need to consider two things:

FIRST: Jobs are scheduled based on priority, higher priority jobs are scheduled first before lower priority jobs.

SECOND: However, Backfill Scheduling overrides priority:

  • Backfill scheduling is a technique that considers 2 things, a job's resource requirements and it's expected lifetime. Based on these 2 factors, a low priority job that would require less compute and is expected to run for a short time may get scheduled before a high priority job waiting in queue inorder to backfill gaps in compute pools on a regular basis.

Therefore, it is crucial to be thoughtful, by requesting only the necessary compute resources to run your programs and specifying a reasonable lifetime that your job is expected to last.

Thus, it is important to include the --time option for every job that you submit, for example --time=00:40:00 specifies that your job may last for 40 minutes max. --time follows the format HH:MM:SS :

srun --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=8GB --gres=gpu:1 --time=00:02:00 lua hello.lua

check srun --help for more options:

srun --help

So far we have seen on "how to submit jobs" for a single node, we can even submit jobs for multiple nodes, or also called tasks.

We can ask slurm to schedule multiple tasks to run our programs concurrently. For example consider we require 2 tasks: 'Task A that does work A' and 'Task B that does work B' where, both of these tasks can be done independently and simultaneously. They do not depend on eachother. For example, consider a simple modification for our hello.lua script below:

local hostname = io.popen('hostname'):read()
local task = 0
if task == 0 then print(hostname .. " (Task A): hello, world") end
if task == 1 then print(hostname .. " (Task B): hello, world") end

Modify your current hello.lua as above and run it as:

lua hello.lua

Observe the code, we extract name of the host which this program runs on by executing the command hostname within the lua script, using lua's io.popen() method which returns the exectued command's outputs as a file ( stdout file in linux ). We read this file with :read() method to get the contents as string in this case the host's name as a string.

The output should look like the one below:

[pp2959@log-1 ~]$ lua hello.lua
log-1 (Task A): hello, world
[pp2959@log-1 ~]$

We observe that, with the task variable set to 0 in the script, we end up executing the task of printing the message (Task A): hello, world on log-1, in this example.

Similarly if we set the task variable to 1 then we end up printing the message (Task B): hello, world as shown below:

[pp2959@log-2 ~]$ cat hello.lua
local hostname = io.popen('hostname'):read()
local task = 1
if task == 0 then print(hostname .. " (Task A): hello, world") end
if task == 1 then print(hostname .. " (Task B): hello, world") end
[pp2959@log-2 ~]$ lua hello.lua
log-2 (Task B): hello, world
[pp2959@log-2 ~]$

Carefully notice how both of the tasks are independent and simultaneously executable.

So the question would be "how can we execute both of these tasks simultaneously" in a single job submission making use of sufficient resources

To do so we can specify the option --tasks in our srun command like:

srun --tasks=2 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=4GB --time=05:00 lua hello.lua

And the output may look like below:

[pp2959@log-2 ~]$ cat hello.lua
local hostname = io.popen('hostname'):read()
local task = 1
if task == 0 then print(hostname .. " (Task A): hello, world") end
if task == 1 then print(hostname .. " (Task B): hello, world") end
[pp2959@log-2 ~]$ srun --tasks=2 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=4GB --time=05:00 lua hello.lua
srun: job 55792604 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 55792604 has been allocated resources (Task B): hello, world (Task B): hello, world
[pp2959@log-2 ~]$

Notice that the task variable is set to 1 in the above example

Based on the outputs you can observe that we ran our program twice, this is because we specified for 2 tasks, where slurm schedules 4 CPUs and 4GB of memory in total and distributes 2 CPUs per task (tasks share the memory pool).

Usually tasks are run either on the same node, or on different nodes depending on the availability of resources. In this example, both the tasks ran on a same compute node that is

If you would like to explicitly run tasks on different nodes then you may use the --nodes option as:

srun --nodes=2 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=4GB --time=05:00 lua hello.lua
[pp2959@log-2 ~]$ srun --nodes=2 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=4GB --time=05:00 lua hello.lua
srun: job 55792637 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 55792637 has been allocated resources (Task B): hello, world (Task B): hello, world
[pp2959@log-2 ~]$

Note: Two different nodes are utilized in the example above, and

Now, we know that our lua script can be executed simultaneously, then how do we execute two different independent tasks like the tasks of printing 2 different 'hello, world' messages ?

We can do so with the help of slurm environment variables, specifically the variable SLURM_PROCID, short of slurm process id.

For example execute the tasks again, this time print the SLURM_PROCID env variable:

srun --tasks=2 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=4GB --time=05:00 printenv SLURM_PROCID

In this job we are executing printenv command to print the value of SLURM_PROCID environment variable

And the output should look something like this:

[pp2959@log-1 ~]$ srun --tasks=2 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=4GB --time=05:00 printenv SLURM_PROCID
srun: job 55768908 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 55768908 has been allocated resources
[pp2959@log-1 ~]$

Observe how the env variable SLURM_PROCID is different for both the tasks

This way you can distinguish tasks within a task. And therefore let us modify the hello.lua script to read from env variables as shown below :

local hostname = io.popen('hostname'):read()
local task = tonumber(os.getenv("SLURM_PROCID"))
if task == 0 then print(hostname .. " (Task A): hello, world") end
if task == 1 then print(hostname .. " (Task B): hello, world") end

In this modified script we read the env variable SLURM_PROCID as a string (by default) and convert it to a number with tonumber() method

And test it without setting any env variables:

lua hello.lua

We should get the expected behavior as shown:

[pp2959@log-1 ~]$ lua hello.lua
[pp2959@log-1 ~]$

No message is printed above because we have not set the SLURM_PROCID env variable yet and so the task variable within the lua script is nil (NULL value), SLURM sets this variable accordingly once we submit our job.

Now, let us submit a job with 2 tasks:

srun --tasks=2 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=4GB --time=05:00 lua hello.lua

You should get an output like below:

[pp2959@log-2 ~]$ srun --tasks=2 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=4GB --time=05:00 lua hello.lua
srun: job 55792659 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 55792659 has been allocated resources (Task A): hello, world (Task B): hello, world
[pp2959@log-2 ~]$

We successfully ran the same script twice simultaneously that performs two different independent tasks based on a task id or in this case SLURM_PROCID.

Slurm offers many environment variables to work with, you can find the full list of slurm environment variables at the slurm documentation page.

To explicitly perform tasks across two different nodes replace --tasks with --nodes as:

srun --nodes=2 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=4GB --time=05:00 lua hello.lua
[pp2959@log-2 ~]$ srun --nodes=2 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=4GB --time=05:00 lua hello.lua
srun: job 55792666 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 55792666 has been allocated resources (Task A): hello, world (Task B): hello, world
[pp2959@log-2 ~]$

And notice how the tasks are performed on two separate nodes from the hostnames

You can even perform multiple tasks per node with the option --tasks-per-node along with --nodes for example:

srun --nodes=2 --tasks-per-node=1 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=4GB --time=05:00 lua hello.lua
[pp2959@log-2 ~]$ srun --nodes=2 --tasks-per-node=1 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=4GB --time=05:00 lua hello.lua
srun: job 55792708 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 55792708 has been allocated resources (Task B): hello, world (Task A): hello, world
[pp2959@log-2 ~]$

Also, for debugging purposes it is recommended to use the --label option as:

srun --label --nodes=1 --tasks-per-node=2 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=4GB --time=05:00 lua hello.lua

This will prepend the task id label with your program's outputs as shown below:

[pp2959@log-2 ~]$ srun --label --nodes=1 --tasks-per-node=2 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=4GB --time=05:00 lua hello.lua
srun: job 56142474 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 56142474 has been allocated resources
1: (Task B): hello, world
0: (Task A): hello, world
[pp2959@log-2 ~]$


  • In the above example, both the tasks 0 and 1 ran simultaneously and their outputs are line buffered, meaning whichever task prints a line first it's output is displayed first.

  • For example outputs from task 1 may get printed first before task 0 during their concurrent execution and hence we see task 1's output first in the above example. You cannot expect 'output lines' from 'concurrently executing tasks' to be printed in any order. Lines are printed in any arbitary order depending on whichever task prints first.

  • Therefore, it is recommended to use the --label option for keeping track of which lines in the output belongs to which tasks during their concurrent execution.

  • --label labels standard output of tasks based on task ID from 0 to N.

So far we understood that slurm chooses 'on which nodes our programs should run on' based on it's scheduling decisions, however it also provides more control like specifying explicitly on which partition we can run our programs on.

Here partitions are similar nodes grouped together as a list. For example H100 nodes are grouped together as a partition named H100_Partition. Whenever we submit a job request for H100s then nodes sequentially along this partition are reserved and our job is scheduled on them.

You can check the list of all partitions and their compute node list with the sinfo command. This will provide you with more information about the partitions, and their statuses:


To specify a particular partition, you can use the --partition option as shown below:

srun --partition=cs --nodes=2 --tasks-per-node=1 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=4GB --time=05:00 lua hello.lua


  • Users submit jobs on the cluster.

  • Slurm ( or also called slurm controller ) that runs exclusively on it's own node, queues up these submitted jobs based on priority and schedules them across compute nodes based on the jobs' compute requirements and expected execution time (Priority, and Backfill scheduling).

  • Once a job has been scheduled on a compute node(s) it runs without interruption. The slurm controller continously monitors the job's status throughout it's life cycle and manages a database ( i.e. MySQL ) where it temporarily maintains the status of all running jobs across the cluster.

  • Whenever users make a slurm query such as the squeue command, to check on the status of their jobs ( or anyother slurm commands ). Such commands invoke a Remote Procedure Call (RPC for short) to the slurm controller, that fetches the job's status from it's database for the user.

  • Too many RPCs to the slurm controller in a short span of time may result in overloading of operations on the slurm's database. Resulting in slurm's poor performance ( RPCs are usually not rate limited for various reasons )

  • Hence it is recommended to takecare Or limit invoking slurm commands very frequently in case of invoking them within a bash script or a python script

  • Failing to follow may result in the user account being suspended


It is crucial to understand everything until this point, this builds your foundations in understanding further topics covered from this point onwards. Please make sure to cover all the topics until this point in case you may have missed anything. It gets easier from here.


  • So far we have learn what compute clusters are ...
  • How srun works ...
  • squeue ...
  • scancel ...
  • And more ...

Submitting Batch jobs

Previously we have seen how we could submit individual interactive jobs mostly to run individual programs, however there is an issue with this method :

What happens if we get disconnected from our ssh session while running our jobs ?

  • To understand this we need to understand how ssh sessions and bash shells are setup in our case

  • First, when we ssh to, we land on a login node running a bash shell, the console is our shell where we execute the linux commands

  • Then when we submit a job with srun, our program runs within a new bash sub-shell belonging to this particular srun within which slurm sets the necessary environment variables accordingly, like the SLURM_PROCID environment variable as we have seen before

  • Therefore, "hello, world" output(s) printed by this program executing on compute node(s) are buffered all the way from their sub-shell(s) to our bash shell running on the login node, and are displayed line after line on console

  • Hence, if our ssh gets disconnected for any reason, the current bash shell is destroyed, and the job currently being executed within this sub-shell is cancelled

Therefore, we make use of slurm batch scripts also called sbatch instead of interactive jobs. Basically they are simple bash scripts with special directives that we submit to slurm instead of running them interactively.

Within a sbatch script we either specify a single job by invoking srun or batch multiple jobs by invoking multiple srun and submit it to slurm under a single job id hence called a batch job.

Once we submit a batch job, they are independently scheduled regardless of what happens to our shell. We can safely disconnect from our ssh session, and return later on to check on the status of our submitted batch job.


Submitting Batch jobs is the preferred way of submitting jobs to slurm

A simple batch job can be written as :


#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem=1GB
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00

srun /bin/bash -c "sleep 60; echo 'hello, world' "

As you can see, we provide the familiar slurm options in a format that is #SBATCH, these are called slurm directives in our bash script.

Create a batch script like the above named hello.sbatch and submit it using the sbatch command:

sbatch hello.sbatch

Check the status of this job with:

squeue --me

Once done, notice that in the same directory from where you submitted this job, there is a new file created slurm-55815161.out, where the number 55815161 is the job id in this example.

Check the contents of this file:

cat slurm-<Job_ID>.out
[pp2959@log-1 slurm_hello_world]$ cat slurm-55815161.out
hello, world
[pp2959@log-1 slurm_hello_world]$

This is the output of your job. A new file is created by default named slurm-<Job_ID>.out and the outputs are written to it.

You can write the outputs to a custom file name for example hello.out using the directive #SBATCH --output=hello.out. Add this directive to your hello.sbatch file as shown below:


#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem=1GB
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00

#SBATCH --output=hello.out

srun /bin/bash -c "echo 'hello, world' "

And re-submit your batch job:

sbatch hello.sbatch

You should notice a new file hello.out gets created, and your hello, world message output is redirected to this file.

[pp2959@log-1 slurm_hello_world]$ cat hello.out
hello, world
[pp2959@log-1 slurm_hello_world]$

By default error messages that gets generated by your programs are redirected to the same output file, but you can also specify an exclusive file just for writing error messages at, using the directive #SBATCH --error=hello.err in this example.

Modify hello.sbatch to include this directive and also a modified program that prints hello, world then throws an error with exit code 1:


#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem=1GB

#SBATCH --output=hello.out
#SBATCH --error=hello.err

srun /bin/bash -c "echo 'hello, world'; exit 1"

Submit this job:

sbatch hello.sbatch

Once done check both, output and error outputs of your program:

[pp2959@log-3 slurm_hello_world]$ cat hello.err
srun: error: cm013: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
srun: Terminating StepId=55815589.0
[pp2959@log-3 slurm_hello_world]$ cat hello.out
hello, world
[pp2959@log-3 slurm_hello_world]$

The error messages are redirected to a seperate file hello.err

In this example the error message states as follows,

  • In the first line, slurm tells us that the program running on host cm013, which is a compute node, with task 0, for this particular srun exited with an error message of exit code 1, since we used exit 1 in our bash script. You may use any error codes from 1 to 255 for debugging purposes, where code 0 is to exit with no errors.
  • Also we have a StepId in this error message as StepId=55815589.0. Here this particular srun is assigned a step id of 0.
  • Invoking a srun is also called a job step in a batch job.

We can invoke multiple job steps within our batch job as shown below:


#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem=1GB

#SBATCH --output=hello.out
#SBATCH --error=hello.err

srun --time=02:00 /bin/bash -c "echo '(step 0): hello, world'; "
srun --time=02:00 /bin/bash -c "echo '(step 1): hello, world'; "

Every srun declared in the batch script is called a job step that will get it's own step id from 0 to N.

Modify hello.sbatch file with the above code and submit the batch job:

sbatch hello.sbatch

Now instead of squeue, you can check the status of your batch jobs with the command sacct or also known as slurm accounting, this is a much easier method of observing your batch jobs than using squeue.

Once the job is done, check it's history with slurm accounting as:

sacct --jobs <Batch_Job_ID>

And the output should look like this:

[pp2959@log-1 ~]$ sacct -jobs 55879998
JobID JobName Partition Account AllocCPUS State ExitCode
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------
55879998 hello.sba+ short users 1 COMPLETED 0:0 batch users 1 COMPLETED 0:0
55879998.ex+ extern users 1 COMPLETED 0:0
55879998.0 bash users 1 COMPLETED 0:0
55879998.1 bash users 1 COMPLETED 0:0
[pp2959@log-1 ~]$

Let's disect the output,

  • Every row is a timeline of your batch job's execution each step at a time.
  • Observe that the first step is the submission of your batch script named hello.sbatch to slurm as indicated in JobName column as hello.sba+, here + indicates more letters.
  • Also notice that the short partition is selected for this job as indicated at Partition column.
  • The second row, or next step is the resource allocation step for this particular batch job also called batch step given a Job ID of 55879998.batch, seen as at JobID column.
  • Third row is an external step that accounts for all resource usage by this job given a Job ID of 55879998.extern or 55879998.ex+.
  • And the subsequent steps are the normal steps created when srun is invoked within the script in the format as <Job_ID>.<Step_ID>, in this example 55879998.0 and 55879998.1.
  • Do observe how normal steps have their own State and ExitCodes columns. The State of these two steps is COMPLETED and their exit codes are 0:0 which means they completed without any errors. So for example if one of the steps say step 0 exits because of an error, then it's State will change to Failed and it's ExitCode will be displayed there.

Let's consider the below example:


#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem=1GB

#SBATCH --output=hello.out
#SBATCH --error=hello.err

srun --time=02:00 /bin/bash -c "echo '(step 0): hello, world'; exit 1 "
srun --time=02:00 /bin/bash -c "echo '(step 1): hello, world'; "

Modify the hello.sbatch script with the above code and submit the job, once done check it's accounting with sacct:

[pp2959@log-1 slurm_hello_world]$ sacct -j 55880839
JobID JobName Partition Account AllocCPUS State ExitCode
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------
55880839 hello.sba+ short users 1 COMPLETED 0:0 batch users 1 COMPLETED 0:0
55880839.ex+ extern users 1 COMPLETED 0:0
55880839.0 bash users 1 FAILED 1:0
55880839.1 bash users 1 COMPLETED 0:0
[pp2959@log-1 slurm_hello_world]$

Observe the state of each step. In this example the following "Batch job submission step" (55880839), "resource allocation step" (, and "batch script execution step" (55880839.ex+) are COMPLETED successfully based on their State columns, but the first "normal step" (55880839.0) FAILED with exit code 1, whereas the second "normal step" (55880839.1) COMPLETED successfully.

You can verify this from your output files hello.out and hello.err:

cat hello.out hello.err
[pp2959@log-1 slurm_hello_world]$ cat hello.out hello.err
(step 0): hello, world
(step 1): hello, world
srun: error: cm009: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
srun: Terminating StepId=55880839.0
[pp2959@log-1 slurm_hello_world]$

We can even control how we distribute resources among these steps by passing options to srun as usual.

For example let's allocate a pool of 4 CPUs and 8 GB memory for a batch job, then distribute just 2 CPUs and 4 GB memory from this pool to our first step, step 0:


#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --mem=8GB
#SBATCH --time=02:00

#SBATCH --output=hello.out
#SBATCH --error=hello.err

echo "number of CPUs: $(nproc)"

srun --cpus-per-task=2 --mem=4GB --time=02:00 /bin/bash -c ' echo "(step 0) number of CPUs: $(nproc)"; sleep 60'

srun /bin/bash -c ' echo "(step 1) number of CPUs: $(nproc)"; sleep 60'

Modify hello.sbatch script with the above code and submit a batch job. Once the job is done, check the outputs:

[pp2959@log-3 slurm_hello_world]$ cat hello.out
number of CPUs: 4
(step 0) number of CPUs: 2
(step 1) number of CPUs: 4
[pp2959@log-3 slurm_hello_world]$
  • As you can see, we are able to control the resources allocated for a step. In this case we distributed just 2 CPUs from the overall pool of 4 CPUs to our first step that is step 0.
  • We did not mention any options to srun in our second step therefore by default step 1 inherits all resources during it's execution.
  • Since we used the sleep command to simulate the execution time for each step, let us check their execution times with sacct by using the --format option, run:
sacct --job <Job_ID> --format=JobID,JobName,State,AllocCPUS,Elapsed 

Here --format=JobID,JobName,State,AllocCPUS,Elapsed will show only these columns in the sacct output for the job --job <Job_ID>

[pp2959@log-3 slurm_hello_world]$ sacct --format=JobID,JobName,State,AllocCPUS,Elapsed,Start,End  --job 56061185
JobID JobName State AllocCPUS Elapsed Start End
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------- -------------------
56061185 hello.sba+ TIMEOUT 4 00:02:03 2025-01-18T14:40:26 2025-01-18T14:42:29 batch COMPLETED 4 00:02:03 2025-01-18T14:40:26 2025-01-18T14:42:29
56061185.ex+ extern COMPLETED 4 00:02:03 2025-01-18T14:40:26 2025-01-18T14:42:29
56061185.0 bash COMPLETED 2 00:01:00 2025-01-18T14:40:27 2025-01-18T14:41:27
56061185.1 bash COMPLETED 4 00:01:02 2025-01-18T14:41:27 2025-01-18T14:42:29
[pp2959@log-3 slurm_hello_world]$
  • From the Elapsed times (5th column), it took 2:03 minutes for the job to be scheduled after waiting in queue.
  • Then step 0 takes 1:00 minute to execute and complete because of the use of sleep 60 command.
  • And step 1 also takes roughly 1:02 minute to execute and finish because of sleep 60.
  • Notice the Start and End columns of step 0 and step 1. In this example step 1 starts at 14:41:27 only after step 0 completes it's execution at 14:41:27.
  • From this we learn that step 1 starts once the step 0 completes its execution.

We can distribute tasks among these steps within our batch job to execute them simultaneously for example modify hello.sbatch with the below code:


#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=2
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2
#SBATCH --mem=8GB
#SBATCH --time=04:00

#SBATCH --output=hello.out
#SBATCH --error=hello.err

srun --ntasks=1 --mem=4GB /bin/bash -c 'echo "(step 0): hello, world"; sleep 60' &

srun --ntasks=1 --mem=4GB /bin/bash -c 'echo "(step 1): hello, world"; sleep 60' &


Once the job finishes executing, check on it's accounting information with:

sacct --format=JobID,JobName,State,AllocCPUS,Elapsed,Start,End  --job <Job_ID>
[pp2959@log-3 slurm_hello_world]$ sacct --format=JobID,JobName,State,AllocCPUS,Elapsed,Start,End  --job 56062529
JobID JobName State AllocCPUS Elapsed Start End
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------- -------------------
56062529 hello.sba+ COMPLETED 4 00:01:02 2025-01-18T15:41:47 2025-01-18T15:42:49 batch COMPLETED 4 00:01:02 2025-01-18T15:41:47 2025-01-18T15:42:49
56062529.ex+ extern COMPLETED 4 00:01:02 2025-01-18T15:41:47 2025-01-18T15:42:49
56062529.0 bash COMPLETED 2 00:01:02 2025-01-18T15:41:47 2025-01-18T15:42:49
56062529.1 bash COMPLETED 2 00:01:02 2025-01-18T15:41:47 2025-01-18T15:42:49
[pp2959@log-3 slurm_hello_world]$

From this example above, observe the Start and End times for step 0 and step 1. We see that both steps run concurrently as we asked for 2 tasks using the directive #SBATCH --tasks-per-node=2 and ended up distributing them among our steps with srun option --ntasks=1.

DO NOTE: You need to distribute the compute resource properly by specifying exactly how much tasks, CPUs, memory and GPUs are to be inherited by a job step in order to execute all your steps simultaneously.

Since a job step (srun) by default inherits all resource if not specified. Then that step may end up consuming more resource ( like mem ) than required otherwise could have been allocated for other steps.

This can cause other job steps to wait until the one that that is currently consuming the resource to finish it's execution and free up those resource (e.g. mem).

Let's run our hello.lua example by submitting a batch job, modify the contents of your previous lua script as:

local hostname = io.popen('hostname'):read()
local task = tonumber(os.getenv("SLURM_PROCID"))
local stepid = os.getenv("SLURM_STEP_ID")

if task == 0 then print(hostname .. " (Step ID): " .. stepid .. " ;(Task A): hello, world") end
if task == 1 then print(hostname .. " (Step ID): " .. stepid .. " ;(Task B): hello, world") end

This lua script executes 2 tasks (Task A and B) simultaneously and also prints the job's step ID

Now modify the hello.sbatch script as below:


#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=2
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mem=8GB
#SBATCH --time=04:00

#SBATCH --output=hello.out
#SBATCH --error=hello.err

module purge
module load lua/5.3.6

srun --ntasks=2 --mem=2GB lua hello.lua &

srun --ntasks=2 --mem=2GB lua hello.lua &


Once the job is done, check your program's outputs, it should look like the one below:

[pp2959@log-3 slurm_hello_world]$ cat hello.out (Step ID): 1 ;(Task A): hello, world (Step ID): 1 ;(Task B): hello, world (Step ID): 0 ;(Task B): hello, world (Step ID): 0 ;(Task A): hello, world
[pp2959@log-3 slurm_hello_world]$
  • From the output, we were able to execute 4 tasks simultaneously, 2 tasks on both different nodes based on the directives #SBATCH --nodes=2; #SBATCH --tasks-per-node=2 for our batch job.
  • Then we were able to utilize these 2 tasks within a job step itself to perform the tasks A and B, of printing "hello, world" twice simultaneously.
  • Hence, we were able to execute in total 4 tasks simultaneously across 2 nodes, each executing a single job step that performs 2 independent tasks A and B simultaneously.

You may verify this from the job's accounting information:

sacct --format=JobID,JobName,State,AllocCPUS,Elapsed,Start,End  --job <Job_ID>
[pp2959@log-3 slurm_hello_world]$ sacct --format=JobID,JobName,State,AllocCPUS,Elapsed,Start,End  --job 56063037
JobID JobName State AllocCPUS Elapsed Start End
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------- -------------------
56063037 hello.sba+ COMPLETED 4 00:00:00 2025-01-18T16:43:52 2025-01-18T16:43:52 batch COMPLETED 2 00:00:00 2025-01-18T16:43:52 2025-01-18T16:43:52
56063037.ex+ extern COMPLETED 4 00:00:00 2025-01-18T16:43:52 2025-01-18T16:43:52
56063037.0 lua COMPLETED 2 00:00:00 2025-01-18T16:43:52 2025-01-18T16:43:52
56063037.1 lua COMPLETED 2 00:00:00 2025-01-18T16:43:52 2025-01-18T16:43:52
[pp2959@log-3 slurm_hello_world]$

Check Start and End times verify that the job steps have indeed ran concurrently.

Run jobs interactively with Compute node(s)

So far we have seen how one could:

  • Submit single interactive jobs to slurm using srun alone
  • Submit batch jobs to slurm with sbatch
  • Now we will learn on "how to reserve compute resources for interactive workflows" with salloc

Recall how we used options with srun in requesting compute resources to run our programs, we can do the same with salloc command as shown:

salloc --nodes=1 --tasks=2 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=4GB --time=10:00 /bin/bash

But without providing any programs to run in the arguments, only requesting resources and running a new bash shell as /bin/bash.

The output should look like this:

[pp2959@log-2 ~]$ salloc --nodes=1 --tasks=2 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=4GB --time=10:00
salloc: Pending job allocation 56149258
salloc: job 56149258 queued and waiting for resources
salloc: job 56149258 has been allocated resources
salloc: Granted job allocation 56149258
salloc: Nodes cm[036-037] are ready for job

Read the output carefully, we submitted a salloc job request that generated a job id 56149258, here we just made an allocation request to slurm for the resources.

The request waits in queue and once the resources are available, in this example nodes cm[036-037] with requested CPUs and memory, are allocated and we enter a new console bash-5.1 which is nothing but a new bash sub-shell on our login node.

Verify that we are still on our login node by running:

bash-5.1$ hostname

But now, we can interactively submit job steps exactly like we did with our batch scripts that utilizes the currently allocated pool of compute resources, for example run:

srun hostname
bash-5.1$ srun hostname

We can limit resources to our job steps exactly like how we did within our batch scripts:

srun --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=2GB hostname
bash-5.1$ srun --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=2GB hostname

We can even load a lua module and run the lua script as:

module load lua/5.3.6
srun lua hello.lua
bash-5.1$ srun lua hello.lua (Task A): hello, world (Task B): hello, world

And finally, you can keep track of all your interactive job steps in real time within this allocation using sacct.

sacct --job <Current_Job_id>
bash-5.1$ sacct --job 56149430
JobID JobName Partition Account AllocCPUS State ExitCode
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------
56149430 interacti+ short users 2 RUNNING 0:0
56149430.ex+ extern users 2 RUNNING 0:0
56149430.0 lua users 2 COMPLETED 0:0
56149430.1 hostname users 2 COMPLETED 0:0

This way salloc can be used to work interactively with compute nodes for development and debugging purposes.

Once done, you can exit and relenquish the resources by running:

bash-5.1$ exit
salloc: Relinquishing job allocation 56149430
salloc: Job allocation 56149430 has been revoked.
[pp2959@log-2 ~]$

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