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Using the SRDE

Will I receive training on how to use the SRDE?

Absolutely! Once your SRDE is set up the SRDE team will schedule onboarding sessions for the research workspace users and a separate one for the data steward. In addition, all users will have access to the User Guide and SRDE support team for troubleshooting and guidance.

Why is the SRDE in a terminal, is there a screen layout?

At this time the SRDE is command-line only. We are working on an updated version with a graphical user interface (GUI) for projects with the need for it.

How do I export a file?

All egress is done by the Data Steward. In order to have a file exported, please follow instructions in the SRDE User Guide to place the file in the export folder in the research workspace, then alert your Data Steward that there is a file ready for export.

Can I upload my own (non-sensitive) files to the SRDE?

In order to maintain the integrity of the data management flow into and out of the SRDE all data going into the environment needs to go through the Data Steward. This ensures both that the Data Steward is aware of all external data entering or leaving the environment and can confirm compliance with the DUA, as well as providing a single path for audit logging. To have your files uploaded to the environment, you can provide them to the Data Steward who can then upload them to the ingress bucket for your retrieval.